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January Newsletter 2025 Superkarts Australia


30th January 2025

Welcome to the 2025 race season and it is obvious things are starting to look a lot better now after COVID put the brakes on almost everything including Superkarting. The Qld club is going from strength to strength with new members and that has come from a lot of perseverance and hard work doing static displays at all kinds of events. Unfortunately, our response from the GC 500 V8 Supercar event was Zero but you can never come away from one of those events packed with motor race enthusiasts and say it was a waste of time. The Qld club will be doing the GC 500 again as well as the V8s at Queensland Raceway. Most of the average people who want to get involved in motor racing are realising the cost is way out of reach with all the car categories and that really puts Superkarting out front for affordable racing. If I could give any advice to the other state clubs, it would be to get active and start doing displays again. If you wait for new members to come along on their own,t it will not happen and you need to get out there and sell the sport. It’s a bit of work but could make the clubs see good numbers again and you only have to do it two or three times a year. The bar has really been risen with the quality and presentation of the karts these days and our Superkarts are looking spectacular.

SKA would like to announce that the Australian Superkart Championships will be held again at Tailem Bend on the 19th, 20th and 21st September. The management at Tailem Bend are doing everything they can to support SKA Superkarting and they also commented on how spectacular the karts looked. Put the date in your diary and come and race at the best and smoothest track in Australia. So, in September, race on a great track and not a goat track.

Last year the team from WA made a huge effort with travelling just to enjoy the top level of racing and it is so easy for the SA drivers and even the Victorian drivers with only 6 hour travel time. For Qld and NSW it is also a bit of a marathon to get there but worth every effort for all drivers to compete in an Australian Championship as the bar gets lifted to another level.

Keep tuned for more updates

SKA Committee

Events manager Chryss Jamieson



WELL DONE to all the teams that participated and put on some great racing.

Also a special shout out to our wonderful SPONSORS -



Please view the SPEEDCAFE SKA race review:

many thanks to Yianni Harpas & Co.


Proudly presented by the SKA TEAM – see you again soon!


The September 2024 newsletter from Chryss and the SKA team

Welcome everybody to the last addition of the SKA newsletter before the Championships.

The Australian Championships at the Bend are only about one week away now so make sure you get your entries in. The entries must be in and fully paid for by the 18th September.

We have done some coverage on most of our Superkart classes running this year and only have the Rotax Max class left to go. I have seen both brands of locally built karts coming from the Peter Woodgate camp and from Ian Williams Tuning and can tell you that they look very impressive and well presented. The Max class provides a very simple and affordable form of racing and to have an electric start is a mere luxury. We did not get much information back from the states on the Max class about who is doing what but did get an article courtesy of Kristian Stebbing on the Victorian scene.

Russ Occhipinity and Sanuja Perera have dominated the Max light class for years and have continued to do so this year. These guys are part of  Woodgate Racing and are very quick. It was noticed that young Ashlea Ford was also right on the pace at the last Phillip Island race meeting and seems to be improving all the time. Lucus Quattrocchi is also very quick in the Max lights and set a new lap record at PI. We hear that Lucas raced in NZ recently and was very competitive but may have had some issues on the wet track. Adding to the fast pace was three race prepared engines by Wizzer which also cracked the existing lap record as did Colin McIntyre (max heavy) and Brendan Kloot (max super heavy). There is now a new approved Rotax Max cylinder available and word has it that it is up to 3 hp better than the old ones. Could have a lot to do with all the new lap records. As any racer knows it is a huge achievement to do a PB and even better to break lap records but it is never that simple.

A huge thanks to everybody who is making the effort to race at the Bend for the Australian Championships and a special thanks to all the WA boys for making the effort to make the trek over. I know the WA club is trying hard to get the club fully functional again.

I will personally get around the pits next weekend to visit all the drivers and crew. For now and for future racing, just remember the words “I just want to go racing”.

SKA will always put on good events at good tracks as they have done for the last 15 years and to make things easy for the drivers so all they have to concentrate on is to win races.

SKA have some exciting news to tell you about next year’s event so be there for the news release. A big thanks to TB track manager Adam Brooks for getting right behind SKA to help us strive for a better future in Superkarting.

Good luck to everyone and bring it on

Chryss Jamieson and the SKA team

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